Indigenous Peoples’ Day 2021
Indigenous Peoples' Day is a holiday that celebrates and honors Native American peoples and commemorates their histories and cultures.
Indigenous People should be celebrated and supported today and everyday. I’ve attached a list of Creatives, Smalll business’ and Influencers for you to support. They are linked either by their instagram or websites!
Ahéhee' for all the support you give me and if you further want to support my work you can use code [ indigenous ] on Ravelry for 10% all my patterns!
Naiomi and Tyler Glasses: Weavers
Jared Tso: Pottery
Mandi White: Navajo Seamstress
Kevin Aspaas: Weaver
Kelli Bear: Artist
Tyana Arviso: Photographer
Simply Marriah: Artist
Sunni: Clothing Designer
Influencers & Public Figures
Alana Yazzie: Food Blogger
Jordan Daniel: Athlete Runner
Stacie Denetsosie: Writer
Tomas Karmelo Amaya: Artist
Thosh Collins: Fitness
Chelsey Luger: Fitness
Sierra Amaya: Video Creator